Last Thursday, i was coming back from uni and had my dinner. i was seriously in a hurry to uni to finish off my work. Well, taking my bath is a routine for me. But that night, it was a disastrous. Don't simply assume something out of nothing la. Am haven finish yet. Yes, it was a disastrous.
At the MCMC that day, one of the clinic doc, Dr. Lau, managed to clean some of the wax on my right ear.... and..... It's a hell of Pain... this is the first time in my life that i felt so much pain being pock inside my ear. The doctor ask me how long have u not clean your ear... it's damn full of wax (asteroid) for me. I told him that i seldom clean it and i haven been seeing doctor for the pass twenty years. He freaks out. Then, somehow, he managed to clean 3/4 of the wax. Still left 1/4 which the wax is near the ear drum. He don't dare to go deeper because he's not a certified ENT doctor.
Later that day, he wrote me a letter to prove that i need severe taking care of my ear and ask me to consult the ENT specialist this coming Saturday. What a day I told myself. What i want to advice all of u out there is that.... DO CLEAN YOUR EAR AFTER U TAKE YOUR BATH EVEYRDAY.... Yes, and it is in Red bold color.
The doctor did ask me to take photo of my other ear wax which is a lot.. too. guess what i did took.... and don't blame me when u scroll down later......
p/s: Saturday is juz days ahead... Next Chapter, 24 hours before ENT Specialist Consultation.