Tuesday, January 03, 2012

- Happy New Year -

Happy New Year to all!!!

Yeah, I know it's late but better late than Never you know. 

So everyone is writing about their resolution and what to expect of 2012, end of the world maybe, according to the Mayan's Calender (21 Dec, 2012), we will see about that... 

Well, I'm not actually a big fan of long and lengthy blog writer, neither I'm those kind who likes to complain about stuffs which are not perfect, I do however enjoy every bits of life that surrounds us now. 

*Stupid ants crawling on my screen. Pinch you. There, enjoy the flatness. 

Resolution? Tell me about it. I'm like contemplating about all the stuffs I wish to do and procrastinate most of them. 

So my new year's resolution is to fulfill my last year's resolution. My last year resolution was to fulfill my last last year's resolution. imagine x times last year resolution will keep you thinking what the heck are you talking about. 

Beats me. 

Chinese New Year is just around the corner. What have I to prepare for? Cooking again of course. Boring! 

Should have just crash some party and make it epic! 

Man! What a start of 2012! 

Start work and everything is moody! How to achieve positive attitude + aptitude?!?!?!

Ok, enough with the babbling. I'm tired, tired and tired of working hard with these people. When time comes, something's gonna switch. Be it good or not, I have the special abilities to tie you up with my eyes. 

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. 

Adios Amigo~ 

1 comment:

Danny said...

all the best in completing last year's resolutions :)
i dun make any resolutions.. cos no idea what to achieve ..lol ;p
happy new year :)