Prepare for yourself this and watch the different between this (above) and this (below)
I mean wad can u see the difference between those pixz?? well, of cause DUH~~ one with chocolate ice-cream and one withiout it. wad about it?? well, i got hook up with this place cal twoOfive aka 205. Its the place near padungan juz couple of shophouses from Tao and 李白 and opposite Memories. well, it's a very cozy place actually. People are fighthing to open such places in Kuching. Nearly all the shop lots in Padunngan old shophouses u can see this kind places mushroom everyway now. anyway, that's my point. different things can meant a lot different to some people around us, whether they are being sensitive, justify lots, and being juz as facts as possible. Da Vinci code, after watching it and "Hopefully people watched that film will juz take it as Fiction rather than facts", "Ya, The thing is that not everybody will think like u". Yeah.. i mean people have different perspective other than me. i don't expect them to believe what i believe. life is a wonderful ornaments God can giv us. Cherish it while u can.
Forgiving is another difficult decision human need to in everyday life. Forgiving is a complicated matter. Forgives and Forgets. Forgives without forgets is not a good practices. Forgiving someone is hard and it's easy. Hard is more on depending on the situation and we really need to forgiv someone if we did something wrong or that person did something wrong.. Forgetting it is another thing. Memory is a great gives too. some we can forget and some juz flotting around our heads to be let out most of the time. Forgiving someone and forget is the true Forgiveness. Forgiving without Forgets is partial Forgivness. Consequences of forgiveness is one way. don't look back when u make choices or forgives someone. Divinity comes with human's err. Err is an obsession and temptation. Without it, our life would be like a stone with no direction and purpose.
p/s: Results out soon....... ARGH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YEAH!!!! Germany Wins... Got third place la.. at least... lol...
Hahaha... well, although your initial prediction didn't come true... but 3rd place is not too bad huh?
ur blog is almost all about food &
a lion juz roar & want to eat ur food...hehe :D
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