Saturday, October 04, 2008

- Roe and Anderson -

Stunning. I was looking at my bookmark and i suddenly found out that i did put a link on my blog for this clip. Roe and Anderson.

Enjoy this~



nase said...

Ah nice! A refreshing take on an old classic, what a flirt that guy is. Do you still drop something to get picked up these days, I wonder?

ian-ization said...

I don't think so either. their randomness of changing chords are spectacular. Splendid Beautiful blue danube.

董百勤 said...

omg stunning I am speechless now...

Anonymous said...

wow not bad.. u cant actually remember the song name!

try adagio for strings!

ian-ization said...

董百勤: Yeah... stunning eh..

Tony: I know the song name la. Adagio for strings?

Anonymous said...

yeh adagio for string..

another nice classical song heh.. enjoy