So I was texting someone today and hope I would have an answer in just a while. Seems that there's no reply after that.
"Sense of urgency"... How often do you hear this words? Your workplace? your home? when someone talking to you? or when you are in an emergency situation?
I have the sense of urgency when it cames to work, home and even when I'm dealing some issues with friends. Why is it so important? To avoid any inconvenient of course. I can become very frustrated if the things i'm gonna do is urgent and needed response as soon as possible.
Evetually, leading me to become paranoid! I would go nuts and start to hammer people around me, sensing that they are not doing the right thing. Maybe I've been train to urge that when it comes to urgent situation, I would have to settle it whether or not it is important.
Am I being Paranoid?
Am I being so paranoid?
Am I being extremely Paranoid?
That's the question I'm asking myself...
I'm going crazy soon...
Please bear with me...
long time didn't visit u. How r u?
aduh .. Val, Wanna come out for a drink to relax urself? am always around.. =)
Hey Chris, I'm great here.. =)
Angie: Being Paranoid till I forgot i have friens around! tq.. Next round on me!
Good blogg
trenger jobb
Perhaps is anxiety rather than paranoia...
-French Bean
Nice blog. I like your style.
We've all had those paranoia moments at one time or another. Maybe a mild valium/whatever they're called would help out?
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