Monday, December 22, 2008

- Treasure Hunting for Christmas Present -

You guys might be wondering instead of giving out present for Christmas, what the heck am i doing treasure hunting for Christmas?? 
There you go. You see the Minex Jewellery blue box - Finder's Keepers?? Yes... That's what I was doing the whole weekend. Treasure hunting for the blue box. Yeah... It started last Monday. I was actually being drag into this hunt by my cousin... haha.. well, it's actually fun. Thinking and deciphering clue from Minex. Here's how you played it. Every morning around 850 to 9 am, the clue will be out in Then the hunt began. Updates can be found in and Today's riddle was pretty simple. It's acatully half hour after the riddle's out, and someone found it.. Yiks.. Congrats to The EggYolks Couple... "" Simply bolded their blog.. haha.. Anyway, last saturday riddle's not solved yet.. This is the riddle... 

"Under the roof of the independent warrior, I'll be lurking in the shadows."

Merdeka Palace anyone?? Feel like going now while deciphering with Karen. Hmmm.. It's been everywhere we look, Telang Usang, LongHouse, Water Front, Tun Jugah... Basically, anything to do with roof, independent warrior and someone's lurking in the shadows. 

Anyway, Christmas is just around the corner... I haven prepare my ingredients for my eve's dinner yet.. yiks.. have to go buy stuffs tomorrow.Grocery Shopping tomorrow anyone?? 

My List of Christmas Eve Dinner: 

1. Shepherd's Pie
2. Fettucinne Carbonara 
3. Typical Fruits Salad
4. Cakes for deserts 

etc. lots more la... i'm not the only one to cook. my mom is helping out as well. Plus plus.. We sing Christmas Carol out loud whole night long... 

Oh well, 3 more days to Christmas. 

Wishing all of yer out there A Happy Merry Meery Blue and White Christmas... =) 



savante said...

Have a blessed Christmas too!

Danny said...

interesting! always wanted to do a treasure hunt.. but always no time and no teammate ..

ian-ization said...

Savante: Have a blessed Christmas to u too Savante...

Danny: You can.. wait till i hide something 1st.. then u go find it.. =) hey thought u going korea?? get me something wor.. hahha... Blessed White Christmas to u too..

wayne said...

eat eat eat, get a bigger belly.

merry christmas..

ian-ization said...

lol... I not gonna eat... haha... santa won't be around this year...

Merry Christmas to u too Wayne. =)

Theeggyolks said...

Hey ian!!eggyolk here! wishing u happy new year! (too late to wish christmas cos already, do drop by my blog when free, u might c ur cartoon face there..haha

ian-ization said...

EGGYOLK!!! Haha.. It's not even late to wish me Happy Christmas. It's just the second day of Christmas. Anyway, Thanks for dropping by... oooo... Draw me la.. haha... I wanna see myself animated...

Chris said...

Merry X'mas 2 u too ya...

thomas said...

belated merry xmas n happy new year....

ian-ization said...

Chris: You back.. Merry x'Mas to u too... =)

Tom: Still Christmas, And Happy new year 2009 to u too =)

Theeggyolks said...

Ian! ur cartoon face is up in our blog!!But real ppl sure looks more handsome than my drawings la..haha!do drop by and have a look!haha