Tuesday, May 04, 2010

- An Extra hour -

It is hard to have an extra hour for yourself everyday. 

Just because you can plan to do something in that hour, doesn't mean that you would actually do it. 

Just because you ought to do something in that hour, doesn't mean that you feel like doing it. 

Just because you regain your consciousness, doesn't mean that you would actually spend the hour to become unconsciousness again. 

Just because you would spend more time to text or call someone, doesn't mean you would want to do it. 

An extra hour is hard to gain. It is the essence of being regret of how you would think back about the extra hour that you have gone through. 

Being bold is not the chance, but the unseen opportunity. 

Just like when one looking outside the view of a plane, it's a pool of clouds that residing of how big the world is and it is up to us to make the choice and reflects of what we have missed. 

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." 

- Winston Churchill - 

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